Information and Resources

This page includes curated mental health related services and tools that aim to help connect people to knowledge or support if and when needed/wanted.

Mental Health Related Services and Directories

211 - Local Community Services - Link

This service directory is a database used across Canada organized by geographic location and topic/keyword. This includes baseline needs such as: food, housing, identity-specific needs, community programming, reporting harm of a vulnerable person and more. 211 also offers live chat, text or phone communication.

Toronto Community Crisis Service - Link

This service provides support if you or others are experiencing a mental health crisis or need a wellness check. You can access this by calling 211 or 911. This is a non-police option and is delivered by community-based, client-centred and trauma informed teams.

Learn how to Support others - Link

An online self-led course to learn how to recognize when someone may be struggling, how to safely support them and also support your own mental health. This was created by in partnership with Born This Way Foundation.

GSD Service provider directory - Link

This service directory can help you find health and social service providers who offer competent and affirming care for gender and sexually diverse folks across Ontario.

Alternates to Calling 911 - Link

A compiled list of responses from lived experts of how they’ve navigated living with suicidality. *This is an unfiltered list.

Mental Health Service Directory Link

This service directory can help you find mental health services and organizations across Ontario. It also includes mental health related info sheets and screening tools (not vetted).

Toronto Queer & Trans Therapist Directory - Link

A curated list of mental health practitioners who practice in Toronto/GTA and provide affirming care to queer and or trans folks.

City of Toronto Resources - Link

This site includes various types of resources for folks in Toronto to consider whether you’re looking for support for yourself or others. It also includes virtual programs/tools and apps that may be of interest. There is also a list of community organizations/service providers that are focused on specific populations.

Suicide Crisis Helpline 988 - Link

A call/text crisis line to support yourself or others or supporting someone experiencing active suicidality.

Colorful sticky notes with various messages related to staying safe and maintaining social distance during a pandemic.


Develop your own self-care plan

This tool is an important reminder that we all need to actively work towards caring for ourselves. This is a unique experience for us while we can also learn from each other’s approaches. Here is one guide that includes a range of areas in life that we can plan for intentional activities/efforts. This resource includes examples and a template. Link

Another Wellness Plan approach that includes your support for when in crisis, care options and what your care team or trusted people in your life need to know to support you. Link

Coping, Crisis and Safety Planning: another planning tool to help you in navigating stress, experiences oh hopelessness or crisis. Link

*Remember you can add or remove sections to suit your needs.


Resources related to Culture, gender or sexuality:

Below are resources from various sources that can help inform and prepare us in prioritizing our health and wellness while navigating systems of care that often aren’t identity or cultural affirming.

A variety of resources to learn about Indigenous cultures of Turtle Island, supporting local businesses, artists and knowledge on being part of Truth and Reconciliation/ACTION. Link here.


Resources related to grounding or (re)Connecting to self

Dropping Anchor: Acknowledge Thoughts+Feelings, Come Back Into Your Body + Engage in What You’re Doing (ACE). Navigating difficult thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, urges and sensations. Link to guide and audio recordings.

Grounding Strategies: A variety of approaches to help with refocusing to present using sensory. Link

Whiteboard with rainbow-colored text reading "HELLO MY PRONOUNS ARE" with blank lines for pronouns.
Lush green forest with sunlit trees and a dirt path